Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 4

Well it's day 4 and so far so good. In fact I weighted myself this morning and was down 5lb. I am sure it is just initial water weight but who cares it makes you feel good. Eating is easy once you get in a routine and of course advanced prep is what it is all about. Making a plan at least one day ahead and making sure you have what you need in your kitchen to follow the plan. some people are better if they plan their whole week in advance do their shopping on Sat. or sun. and prepare anything they can make in advanced. That way if you have a bad day at work and you are running late you know what you are going to eat and that everything is there. Fall and winter is a great time to make things ahead and to freeze in portion sizes. Take it out in the morning and there are no excuses. Plan your sncaks and lunches so they are easy, stay away from fast food lunches alot of people think grabbing a sandwich is okay but many contain way more calories than you want to consume. And remember it all about breakfast, I love a cup of fruit, 1/2 cup of yogurt and 1/2 cup of cereal and I can go most of the morning. Choose your cereal wisely check the protein the higher the better and watch the sugar the ones that you think are healthy may contain way more than you think. Keep the sugar per serving under 7 grams. And watch the portion size many people don't realize that Musili which they think is so good is only 1/4 cup per serving. The Kashi cereals are a great choice or the PC Organics, you will stay full longer.
Got to go work out more later.

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