Tuesday, August 19, 2008

day 2

Well I have to say my glutes were killing me last night, but I feel great this morning. Dinner last night was 4oz. grilled haddock, steamed veggies and a baked potatoe with no additions although I highly recommend a tablespoon of salsa and some fresh ground pepper.I was up early to train clients so my workout is this afternoon. Breakfast this morning was great 1 cup of berries and mango with non fat yogurt and 1/2 cup of Kashi cereal, I still feel full and it's 11:00. I also start my morning with a freshly squeezed lime hot water and a drop of organic honey, this helped me give up coffee 8 months ago and it tastes so much better. I never thought I would say that as I used to relish that really early morning coffee (5am) with the morning paper. but any habit can be replaced.I will write about my workout later today and about my BootCamp class, I don't really get to play there as there are so many participants to watch over and encourage but I love dreaming up the drills.Rember its not about how great you are at the start but that you started.

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